Advice on the correct timing for COS VAT recovery for NHS bodies

Our newsletter dated 12th June 2014 explained that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) had informed the NHS that the proper tax point (time of supply) rules should be applied to Contracted-out services (COS) VAT recovery. This meant that COS VAT should be claimed on the VAT return for the period in which the invoice is [...]

July 30th, 2015|Categories: NHS VAT News Archives|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Advice on the correct timing for COS VAT recovery for NHS bodies

Changes to contracted-out services (COS) VAT rules – Heading 25 – Hire of reprographic equipment including repair and maintenance

As part of the ongoing review of the COS VAT guidance, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has advised us that the next batch of COS guidance will confirm that VAT incurred on the hire, lease or rental of multifunctional devices which serve as printers, photocopiers and faxes is eligible for recovery under COS Heading 25.  This [...]

June 29th, 2015|Categories: NHS VAT News Archives|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Changes to contracted-out services (COS) VAT rules – Heading 25 – Hire of reprographic equipment including repair and maintenance